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Bus routing in the period from September 1 to presumably November 24, 2021
U3 Innenstadt_Linienführung Sep Nov

  • The current routing will remain in place for the time being, but the Speersort (area in front of the St. Petri daycare center) will be relieved: in the future, lines 6, 16, 17 and 37 will be routed straight ahead from Steinstraße through Domstraße to Willy-Brandt-Straße (or line 6 from Steinstraße via "Alter Fischmarkt" with its own stops there, continuing in the direction of Speicherstadt). For this purpose, the LSBG will set up three temporary stops in Domstraße as of September 1 (with construction work starting on August 9): in the westbound direction opposite the existing Speersort (Mö) stop and in the westbound and eastbound directions between Große Reichenstraße and Willy-Brandt-Straße.
  • At the same time, due to the barrier-free expansion of the Rathaus subway stop and the associated one-way street regulation at Rathausmarkt and in Rathausstraße, bus lines 3, X35 and 31 must be rerouted in the direction of Hauptbahnhof: from Gr. Burstah via Neß, Börsenbrücke, Große Reichenstraße to Domstraße and into Steinstraße. These lines will then serve the Speersort (Mö) stop in Domstraße as well - instead of Speesort in front of St. Petri.
  • In addition, the central night service connection (night bus stops) is relocated to Speersort/ Domstraße/ Schmiedestraße during this time (except for line 601). The occasional buses of line 3 ending at "Rathaus" (stop at the west portal of Petrikirche or Rathausstraße) will then end at Domplatz and temporarily run through Kattrepel and Schopenstehl (Monday to Friday from 6:30 to 20:16 approximately every 10 minutes). Orientation maps at the bus stops will provide information about the departure stops of the night buses.

Background information on this phase

  • Until now, there has been too little space in Domstraße at Speersort to set up a bus stop of sufficient length for all the lines that have been running there up to now. In order to be able to reduce the number of buses by splitting up the bus routes, the LSBG is building temporary bus stops further along Domstraße. This will make it possible to build a shorter bus stop located on Domstrasse (at the Speersort level).
  • The relocation of bus lines from Steinstraße back to Mönckebergstraße is not yet possible again, since
    • extensive adjustments (including the traffic light circuits) are necessary at the Mönckebergstraße/Steintorwall intersection: The intersection is currently optimized to allow bus traffic from Steintorwall to turn smoothly right onto Steintorbrücke and vice versa. For the next phase, however, the connection between Steintorbrücke and Mönckebergstraße must also function again in terms of traffic. The planned completion date for the work is November 24.
    • a bus stop will be built on Steintorbrücke. This will also provide access to new stairways from the railroad tracks onto the Steintorbrücke, which Deutsche Bahn is currently building there.
  • During this time, Mönckebergstrasse will remain fully closed in the construction area. HOCHBAHN will use this for the barrier-free expansion of the Mönckebergstraße U3 stop.