Even in the current Corona situation, we try to process shooting and photo requests for private and commercial purposes. We decide whether a project can be implemented on a case-by-case basis. Editorial requests will be given priority due to their informational function. Please contact in general.
You would like to take photos, shoot a video or a film in our facilities or on the bus and subway? We'd love to. To do so, please fill out the application for filming permits and send it - by mail or e-mail - together with a script excerpt or storyboard to the HOCHBAHN press office. We will review your request as quickly as possible and contact you. Please note that we usually need at least 14 days' notice to review and organize your request with our operations.
We process private and commercial requests for permits for filming and photography on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Photo and filming permits
Hamburger Hochbahn AG Press Office
Steinstrasse 20, 20095 Hamburg
Phone: 040/32 88-45 96
Luisa Suerkemper
Phone: 040/32 88-45 96