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Zwei Mitarbeiter der HOCHBAHN-Wache.


Safety has priority!

On buses, subways and at bus stops

Whether on buses, subways or at bus stops: The safety of our passengers and employees is always our top priority. That's why we have a lot of technology and qualified personnel.  

With around 430 employees, HOCHBAHN Wache is on the move in Hamburg's bus and subway network and performs several tasks at once. Around 260 colleagues from the security service are active around the clock to ensure security in the HOCHBAHN network - at stops and in HOCHBAHN vehicles as well as other facilities and objects. The HOCHBAHN guard also provides security in the inspection service for ticket control and in the operations center. 

In addition to this strong team, numerous technical functions provide assistance and safety to our passengers. Here you will find the most important questions and answers about safety on the move in Hamburg:  

The HOCHBAHN operations center

It is the heart of the elevated train building in Hamburg's city center: the HOCHBAHN operations center is where the information for all bus and subway lines comes together. As one of the most modern operations centers in Europe, it unites the control centers of the subway, bus and HOCHBAHN-WACHE - on the top floor of the elevated train building - under one roof in the truest sense of the word.

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Our subway network

Over 100 kilometers of environmentally friendly, emission-free mobility: With the U1, U2, U3 and U4 lines, we bring Hamburg to the most important places in the city. And: our network continues to grow ...

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