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Merle Schmidt-Brunn

Director of Finance and Sustainability
HOCHBAHN-Vorstand Merle Schmidt-Brunn

Merle Schmidt-Brunn has been a member of the Executive Board of Hamburger Hochbahn AG since 1 April 2023 and is in charge of Finance and Sustainability.

Merle Schmidt-Brunn was previously Senior Director Financial Analytics at Hapag-Lloyd. The Graduate business mathematician was born in Hamburg, passed her Abitur at the Gymnasium Oldenfelde and studied financial and business mathematics at the Technical University of Braunschweig, the University of British Columbia (Vancouver/Canada) and the Universidad de la Laguna (Spain).

After her studies, she first worked for Generali Lebensversicherung AG, then moved to the management consultancy Roland Berger and joined Hapag-Lloyd in 2015.

In her position at HOCHBAHN, Merle Schmidt-Brunn is also responsible for the areas of purchasing, information management (IT) as well as legal and real estate.