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Ein HOCHBAHN E-Bus fährt auf einen Busbetriebshof in Hamburg

The Company

Keeping Hamburg on the move

HOCHBAHN is more than just a transport company. More than anything, our focus is on driving motion and progress for the future. Rather than just getting passengers from one place to another, our mission is to do this efficiently and effectively – while saving energy, reducing emissions and minimising noise in Hamburg in the process. Our aim: Zero emissions by 2030. For over a century now, we have been pioneers in service of our city, always delivering concepts that are sometimes even revolutionary. Like the very first U-Bahn subway line, and the first electric buses in Hamburg. Striving at all times to maximise quality of life in this beautiful world-class city.  

Corporate and Sustainability Report

The whole world of HOCHBAHN: Find out here in our corporate and sustainability report how we bring Hamburg into step with zero emissions. In our GRI Report, we also report comprehensively on all our sustainability activities. All facts and figures are also available in the management report and annual financial statements.

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The group

Here you will find portraits of our Executive Board members, the members of the Supervisory Board and information on HOCHBAHN's subsidiaries and affiliated companies.

Our Strategy

The HOCHBAHN strategy for Hamburg: We are the organizer of sustainable mobility for our city.

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The history of HOCHBAHN

Join us on a journey through time and find out how and where Hamburg's first underground ran, how we got the buses on track, or even what role HOCHBAHN played in National Socialism.

Our history