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Examples of green financing

The net proceeds from the Green Bond will be invested in the following projects, among others: 

  • Conversion to a completely emission-free bus fleet 
  • Modernisation of the existing U-Bahn network 
  • New services for our customers 
  • Other sustainable projects that fall within the framework for Green Bonds  

By implementing such projects, we aim to maintain the high quality of life that the growing city of Hamburg offers, and safeguard it for future generations. We have three strategic goals in mind here: 

  • Increase in market share of integrated public transport to 30% by 2030 (2018: 22%) 
  • This is equivalent to 50 percent more passengers switching from their own private car to integrated public transport 
  • Acting in a 100 percent climate-neutral way – the aim is to reduce our CO2 footprint to zero by 2030