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Eine Gruppe von HOCHBAHN.Mitarbeitenden lacht zusammen

Corporate and Sustainability Report 2023

By people. For people.

In our reports you will find all the facts, figures and data on HOCHBAHN here

They move.
And connect.

They design.
And develop.

They dream.
And push boundaries.

They provide access.
Instead of exclusion.

With them, Hamburg can grow.
Without them, it can't.

They strive for progress.
And take you to "Große Freiheit".

They are always there.
365 days a year.

They keep Hamburg moving.
They, that's our 6,600+ HOCHBAHN employees.

GRI Report 2023

In order to provide our stakeholders with comprehensive and transparent information about our sustainability activities, we publish a report in accordance with the international standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in the form of the GRI Report.

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Management Report and Annual Financial Statements 2023

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