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U4 Horner Geest

The U4 underground line will be extended by two stops to the “Horner Geest”.

The new section of the U4 line will provide around 13,000 people with an underground stop in the immediate vicinity of their home. After preparatory works throughout 2020, the official start of construction was in February 2021. 

The existing station at Horner Rennbahn will be getting another platform, while the extension to Horner Geest has begun with the addition of a new single-track tunnel. Up until now, the U4 has connected HafenCity with the city centre and then merged into the U2 route, running via Horner Rennbahn towards Billstedt. 

The first passengers are expected at the end of 2026 

The new tunnel will see the opening of two new stations – Stoltenstraße and Horner Geest – along a 1.9-kilomtere route to the northeast of Horner Rennbahn. At the end of 2026, the first passengers should then be able to step on board and travel from Horner Geest to the Main Station in just 13 minutes. 

Pedestrian and cycling infrastructure will also be upgraded 

The neighbourhood is set to become a leading example for the mobility revolution. Improvements for pedestrians and cyclists will also be made during the course of construction work on the underground line, and various different services will be linked together in innovative ways.   

You’d like to find out more? Everything you need to know about the U4 Horner Geest station can be found (in German) at – along with detailed information about all projects relating to the expansion of the U-Bahn network in Hamburg.